Deep-fried pork intestines, Hong Kong – 炸大腸, 香港

The use of pork to make any dish, especially street food, is particularly common in the southern region of Guangdong and its culinary capital, Hong Kong.

Fried pork intestine (炸大腸)

One of the many examples of this intensive use of pork in the area is the fried pork intestines (炸大腸), which combines the deep-frying technique from the Cantonese cuisine with a lou mei ingredient: intestines. 


Pork entrails are deep-fried in large pieces, skewed in rows and sliced up after the pieces lose some oil. You can add plum or hoisin sauce to it or any other available on the counter (as seen above, always present in all the stalls serving this kind of food), either with a brush or a plastic mustard dispenser.

Fried pork intestine (炸大腸)

As many other street foods, the best point of these kinds of snacks is that they are just made and ready to go!

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2 thoughts on “Deep-fried pork intestines, Hong Kong – 炸大腸, 香港

  1. I’ve found that Hong Kong has a bunch of these brick-and-mortar snack food places around, all selling the same (but varied) greasy, mysteriously battered items. It’s sickening. After quickly getting tired of that rubbish, I encountered the drink vendors, which provided welcome relief from the horror show of 茶餐廳, and a place in Admiralty that interestingly enough vends mushroom and emmental cheese sandwiches.

    On the other hand, have you tried Hui Lau Shan?


  2. I’ve heard and seen many Hui Lau Shan, but never got the shot to enter one. I hope next time I’m in the city I’ll try it for sure…!
    And yes, they’re maybe too oily to have them on a daily basis, but well, coming from partying, it is a delicious treat! 😉


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